Pawan Kalyan : Good bye to NDA alliance

Announcement by Janasena Party Chief

Hello Telugu - Pawan Kalyan

Amaravati – Janasena Party Chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan announced the move. Modi, who was in power at the Center until yesterday, made interesting comments about the presence of the chief of the Janasena Party, who has been a key partner in the BJP coalition government (NDA).

On Thursday, he spoke to the media and made it clear that he has come out of the NDA alliance. Pawan Kalyan said that the Telugu Desam Party is weak in the state, so he has decided to move forward with the experience of that party and the struggle of the Janasena.

Jana Sena has announced that its ultimate goal is to trample AP CM Jagan Mohan Reddy, who is running a demon rule in the state. That is why he has decided to stay away from NDA.

He said that TDP and Janasena will contest together from now on and take decisions together.

For the past few years, Prime Minister Modi has been meeting Union Home Minister Amit Chandra Shah. Pawan Kalyan is fighting over the problems in AP. There is excitement among the party leaders as to what will be behind this decision.

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